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2-in-1 Titanium Carb Cap and Dab Tool

2-in-1 Titanium Carb Cap and Dab Tool

Regular price $17.10
Regular price $24.20 Sale price $17.10
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The 2-in-1 Titanium Carb Cap and Dab Tool is a simple device for capping off your carb, nail, or banger. Attached to the cap is a simple dab tool, meaning you don’t have to fumble between smoking equipment after your water pipe or bong begins to fill.

The Good

The carb is one of the most essential pieces for effective low-temp dabbing. Why? Science tells us so and (most) science contains facts. In the most basic sense, covering the bowl after dabbing at the proper temperature traps heat, burning off the remaining concentrate, allowing you to get the most out of each hit. Another great part about this cap is small dab tool for getting your concentrates where they need to be.

The Bad

Watching someone new to dabbing drop some shatter into the bowl while it’s still red hot then seeing the carbon left behind, knowing it won’t clean out easily (if at all.)

The Ugly

People whose outlets or switches don’t match the color of the cover. Fortunately, this tool could double as screwdriver. Unfortunately, electricity is dangerous.

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