Are you 21+?
Please confirm you are of legal age to access this website
Youth Prevention
HQD TECH USA is aware of the FDA’s Youth E-Cigarette Prevention Campaign, The Real Cost, to protect America’s youth from electronic cigarettes. HQD TECH USA is aligned with the FDA’s efforts to protect America’s adolescents and believes it to be an essential industry priority. It is for this reason HQD TECH USA takes youth prevention very seriously and has put into action several preventative measures including an age verification technology service to review all submitted information for purchases on the HQD TECH USA website in order to restrict anyone under 21 years of age from attempting to complete a transaction that would end in obtaining HQD TECH USA products.
According to California state law, no one under the age of 21 is capable of purchasing electronic cigarette products. Due to this, prior to making a purchase, all customers are required to submit their full legal name, date of birth and their permanent resident address as stated on their government issued identification.
All information that is submitted will be substantiated through government records and will also be inspected by HQD TECH USA Customer Service to ensure authenticity. Anyone found to have submitted false information will be refused service and their account will be permanently terminated.
In addition, HQD TECH USA always demonstrates responsible marketing techniques that does not specifically appeal to or engage youths on all of our advertising, social media and product labeling. HQD TECH USA actively follows all FDA compliance regulations in regards to packaging and labeling. This includes nicotine addictiveness warning statements on labeling, packaging and advertisements that are placed in a visible location.
Age Verification FAQ
Will I be subject to legal ramifications if I submit a fake ID, driver's license or any government issued ID submitted for age verification that is not related to myself or the order?
Committing any type of fraud knowingly is a crime that is considered to be a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the severity of the offence and the state in which you reside. If it is found that you have willingly submitted any identification that does not pertain to you in order to purchase any HQD TECH USA products as a person under 21 or for any person under 21, we will cancel your order and reserve the right to pursue legal action, if necessary.
Is there an alternative to submitting images of my personal information via the HQD TECH USA website?
It is required to submit your full legal name and DOB on a government issued identification in order to finalize any order on the HQD TECH USA website. It is not required to include a driver’s license number or address, so you may conceal this information.
All private information submitted to HQD TECH USA is processed through a secure system and we will not violate your privacy by selling your information to any third parties.
I have a HQD TECH USA account with an order history, so why is the system flagging me for Age Verification?
There are a number of reasons why one would be flagged by the Age Verification System and it does not take past orders into consideration when flagging orders.
HQD TECH USA has made a few changes to ensure that the HQD TECH USA Team is following proper protocol to prevent underage purchases. Please proceed with the Age Verification procedures by submitting the required identification and the HQD TECH USA Support team will finalize your order.
The email address used to place this order and any subsequent orders will be automatically approved. If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please write to and they will be happy to help.
Am I able to submit an order despite the age verification warning, “You are not of legal smoking age”?
Yes, your order can be submitted, but will be placed on hold until the HQD TECH USA Support Team can verify your age / identity. If you find that you cannot complete the process due an error notice appearing on your screen when you go to submit your order, please take a screenshot of your screen when the message appears.
Please submit this screenshot to and the Support Team will attempt to correct the error and to complete your order.
When placing my order, do I have to use my first name or can I use the name I typically go by?
Anyone placing an order must use their full legal name. Please do not use a nickname as we will not be able to verify your proper identity or age. If you are not able to substantiate the name used to place an order with a driver’s license or government issued ID for age verification authorization, then your order will be cancelled.
If I place an order in my name and pay for it, can I send the package to my friend / family member?
As the customer placing the order, HQD TECH USA requires that you submit the required age verification documentation for both yourself and the recipient to When submitting the necessary documents, please include the order number as well. When the conditions of the age/identity verification process are fulfilled, the order will be finalized and prepared for delivery.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but it is absolutely necessary to uphold all FDA requirements and California state laws to ensure restriction of sales to anyone under 21 years of age.
Will HQD TECH USA accept my military identification in place of a state issued identification?
The HQD TECH USA Support Team can proceed with the age verification process with a military ID to move on to finalize an order. We ask that you please provide photographic evidence of the front and back of your military ID that clearly displays your entire name and date of birth.
Why was I charged for an order when I was flagged for being underage?
When an order is placed, the system will automatically secure the product(s) in the quantities ordered by accepting the funds from the transaction. In this way the products selected for the order will not be sold to another customer and can be made available for you when age and identity is verified.
If you cannot meet the age verification requirements or if you do not wish to proceed, the order will be cancelled and the funds will be returned to the ATM / credit card that was used when the order was created. The time in which the funds will reappear in your account is contingent upon the bank from which the funds were administered. We recommend contacting them directly with any questions you may have concerning this circumstance.
My order has been placed and I cannot seem to be able to upload any age verification documents. What can I do?
Any documents uploaded to the HQD TECH USA website must be sized appropriately at 4mb or smaller. Try resizing your documents and resending. If you still cannot upload the documents, a system failure may be taking place.
In this case, please reach out to the HQD TECH USA Support Team at Include your order number and age verification documentation. The Support Team will then work towards substantiating the information submitted and will send you an update when the process is complete.
Youth Education for Prevention
We at HQD TECH USA believe we are doing our best to keep electronic cigarettes out of the hands of underaged individuals. However, we do believe that parental guidance and education is also necessary to detract from underage usage. We suggest the following:
Understand what signs to look for to distinguish whether or not your child may be using electronic cigarettes by educating yourself as to the several varieties of electronic cigarettes and the liquids they may contain.
Take the opportunity to discuss with your child the adverse consequences of nicotine usage, so that they understand and will not succumb to peer pressure etc. Consider storing your ATM cards, credit cards and identification card in a place where your child will not have immediate access to them.
Underage use has remained consistent, but HQD TECH USA is committed to maintaining youth prevention as one of our leading priorities. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at